Sunday, February 15, 2009

The week of Sugarfest 2009

Tuesday February 10th,2009
Today was our 7th Anniversary. Ron had to work so we had a date planned for the evening and Nani would watch the girls. The day started out taking Emmie and Sarabeth to preschool. Abby and I took a trip over to the Mall to find a gift for Daddy. Every year I try to get at least one item for him from Old Navy for either our Anniversary or our birthday. It is just one of those silly things I do since we were standing in the Old Navy at the The Block at Orange on our first date when we realized that we have the same birthday. Anyway, Abby and I were searching the racks when she starts up a chat with the manager. The manager asks her if she likes green. (she was wearing a green dress with green leggings and green socks....what gave it away?) She said "yes, my favwit cowor is geen and Enni wikes purpo and Sarebef wikes pink!" Of course then I had to explain who Ennie and Sarebef were. The girls just gasped like they always do when they find out we have 3 kids under the age of four.
It's been an amazing 7 years of pregnancy, childbirth, diapers, bottles, 1st steps and giggles & smiles and my sweet husband has been the cherry on top of it all. We had a dinner and a movie date night. The food was lousy, the movie was cute...the company was exceptional.
February 11th 2009
In our twins club we have made "friends for life" with a core group of mommies and their kids. Today we had our Coastline Mommy and Me preschool in the morning till noon followed by our annual Valentine's day Party with our OCMOM friends. Unfortunatly many families were sick this year so it was only four families this year =) Everyone seem sto be under the weather the last few weeks. We've been dodging the fever bullets.... instead we came home with a bag full of wonderful Valentine goodies!
At Coastline it was Nate and Maggie's birthday so they brought frosted cookies to share. They got to stand on the table while the class sang happy birthday. Abby was offered a chance to do it last week when we brought cookies for her birthday. She declined, but asked if she could do it today with Nate and Maggie. Too late....
February 12th, 2009
Party day at school. I colored icing pink for Mrs. Miller's class and they frosted cookies in class. Each of the girls came home with a bag of loot and sugar! At diner Emily and Sarabeth cgave us a whole commentary on which Valentine's were from which kids and who had given them what. emily announced that they were her best friends and that she wants to invite all of them to her birthday party. I reminded her that she has 3 months to wait. =)
February 13th, 2009
Okay, so I didn't know today was Friday the 13th? Did you? I opted to stay home since we were supposed to get this big rainstorm. It came at about noon. Oh wait, I actually blogged taht day......
February 14th, 2009
Sugarfest 2009 (aka Valentine's Day) is 2nd only to Halloween. The girls woke up this morning shouting Happy Valentine's Day at the top of their lungs. After breakfast they opened their gifts from Papi & Chula (candy & cards) and their cards with stickers from Grandma & Papa. During the week they had also received cards in the mail from Auntie Dianna, Randi, Nani, Uncle Bruce, Auntie Tiffany & Harrison as well. It was a big week, a fun week, a SUGAR week. We made sugar cookies with icing for Daddy this morning. He will be so excited when he gets home before us today to find a tray full of his favorite cookies.
This afternoon we went to a lovely tea at auntie Kathy's house. About 8 or 9 years ago she started having a tea every year at about this time of year and every year it has just gotten better and better! She tops herself each year. The girls had a wonderful time with Tiffany and Taylor and Mommy enjoyed chatting with the women of the family and the joy of the day.

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