Thursday, November 5, 2009

ice cream and the 4th

July was just filled with ice cream, fireworks and fun!


This summer we started swim lessons in May and went ALL the way till the 3rd week of September! YES!!! They are all watersafe and have become GREAT swimmers!

Maui June 2009

I'm not gonna apologize this time....I just keep forgetting about this whole plan I had to keep this up. I wonder if I put a post -it on my forehead it might help? perhaps a string on finger? hmmmmm

Anyway, June kicked off an amazing summer chock full of more first, amazing vacations, swim lessons, Popsicle eating, friends and family.

About 2 weeks after we got back from Yosemite, we went on the most amazing vacation to Maui with the entire Reynolds Family. we went to celebrate Ron's oldest brother's anniversary and vow renewal. It was the girls first ever plane ride. The whole trip was just spectacular. The girls did great on the plane and we had simply a wonderful family vacation. Abby asked me a few weeks ago while we were at the car wash if we could go to Hawaii tomorrow. I wish.